By car:
A3 Motorway Salerno – Reggio Calabria (toll-free)

exit Sibari – Corigliano Calabro, continue on State Road 106 Jonica bis towards Reggio Calabria; turn towards the sea at Km 313.9.
From the A14 Adriatic Motorway A14 Bologna – Taranto
continue on State Road 106 Jonica bis towards Reggio Calabria; turn towards the sea at Km 313.9.

By train:
Railway station Pietrapaola Mandatoriccio.
See page Ferrovie dello Stato | Page Viagginrete

By coach:

Coach company SIMET (Tel. 0983/885234 – 0983/520315 0983/512793 – 4) with arrivals and departures from: Salerno, Naples, Foggia, San Giovanni Rotondo, Rome, Perugia, Siena, Florence, Leghorn, Pisa, Bologna, Milan, Ferrara, Padua, Verona, Brescia, Genoa, Alessandria, Turin.

Coach company IAS SCURA
(Tel. 0983/886696 – 0983/565635) with arrivals and departures from: Bologna, Milan, Messina, Taormina, Catania, Taranto, Bari, San Giovanni Rotondo, Rome, Siena, Perugia, Florence, Pisa.

By air:
SACAL Airport of Lamezia Terme (Info line 0968 411032 – 0968 414111) or S. Anna Airport of Crotone.
Airport information for Port Lamezia Terme

Airport information for Port Lamezia Terme

Codice regione 078099-CVT-00001